Fair Oblivion invites me to dance
I accept
And take her hand
Soft and otherworldly
Her pheromones of gravity pull at me
I dance, my head on her shoulder
She smells like the stars
And all the dreams
We collectively pretend to own
(Though we know they are never
Ours to hold for long
They belong to the
Wavelengths of the nocturne)
She dips me
And I smile
We move in sync
Twirling about the cosmos
But the rotational velocity
Becomes too much
For my unsteady, mortal legs
She lets my small hands go
I whirl, a swirling nebular cloud
Pits in my abdomen like
Dying, punctate stars
I collapse, and all my light is gone
Why? I ask,
Meteor showers
On my cheek
My knees skinned and crusted
In dark matter
Child, she says,
You must learn to rise up